当今,诸多部门,如公安、交通、电力和银行等,都要求在城市环境中对车辆进行连续跟踪和不间断定位。在经济建设和科学技术的广泛领域,都采用了GPS 与GNNS的精密定位技术。GPS(GloalPasitioningSystem)以其全球性、全天侯及被动式的定位原理等诸多优势无可争议的成为现在最为广泛使用的定位手段。现在应用最广泛的是大地测量、海上渔用、陆用导航以及车辆定位监控、其中车辆定位监控的市场增长最为迅速。针对美国的SA和AS技术政策,目前已有不少国家发展了DGPS 和WADGPS系统,为GPS的发展开辟了新的领域。GPS在交通车辆监控方面的运用已成
Today, many departments, such as public security, transportation, electricity and banking, have called for vehicles in the urban environment of continuous tracking and continuous positioning. In the economic construction and the broad field of science and technology are used precision GPS positioning technology. GPS (GloalPasitioningSystem) with global, all-weather Hou and passive positioning theory, and many other advantages indisputable now become the most widely used means of positioning. It is now the most widely applied geodesy, with sea fisheries, land use and vehicle navigation positioning control, positioning control of the vehicle which most rapid market growth. As sa against the United States and technology policy, there are many developing countries combined and wadgps system for the development of GPS has opened up a new area. GPS monitor
ing in the use of transport vehicles has become an important topic in discussions and the development of various research results are, however, in practice
applications, the technology is still some uncertainty.
We also have some units producing vehicle GPS systems. For the development of China's GPS industry, Wuhan has become China's GPS engineering research center. GPS positioning papers expounded the basic principles and their application, highlighting the VPS control platform applications began on the GPS in our development and the current development situation. And analysis of the prospects for its development, applications, market analysis, GNSS city vehicle control system design and our development platform GPS approach. This text with the vehicle supervises and control the terrace for the point discuss on the functional GPS vehicle traffic control in the new technical measures that control agreements and the use of wireless command center network monitoring interface design of digital maps and technical achievement. Vehicle control system design, technical measures taken to achieve associate (accurately show vehicles), smart (vector map generated amended), the whole (national cable wireless networking) practical effect.
Key words: GPS,GNSS,monitor and control of station,technique
1.2  国内的车辆监控系统的研制现状………………………………
1.3  本课题研究的内容…………………………………………
2. GNSS的发展历史与应用……………………….
2.1 GPS的产生与发展………………………………..
2.2 GLONASS的产生与发展…………………………………….
2.3 GPS系统广泛用途………………………………….
3. GPS系统的组成与定位原理………………………..
3.1 GPS系统的组成…………………………………..
3.1.1 GPS卫星星座
3.1.2 地面部分监控系统
3.1.3 用户设备—GPS信号接收机
3.2 GPS的定位原理…………………………
4. GLONASS系统的组成与原理…………………………………………..
4.1 GLONASS的组成……………………….
4.2 GLONASS的工作原理与特性..
5.1 GNSS的产生与组成
5.2 GNSS系统的特点与优势
5.2.1 GNSS系统的特点
5.2.2 GNSS系统的优势
6 GNSS城市车辆监控系统平台的设计………………………
6.1 典型GPS\GNSS应用系统介绍
6.2.1 GNSS定位系统
6.2.2 控制中心
6.2.4 监控平台的软件设备
6.3 监控平台的工作原理
6.4 监控平台的主要功能
6.5 数字通讯系统GSM………
6.6 车辆监控平台的专用GIS平台的功能
6.7 监控平台的主要技术特点
1.  绪论
1.1  课题背景
卫星导航与定位应用现如今已发展成为全球性的高新技术产业,并在经历着前所未有的三大转变,这就是从单一的 GPS系统时代转变为多星座并存兼容的GNSS(全球导航卫星系统)时代,从以车辆应用为主体市场格局很快转变为个人消费应用为主流市场的新颖格局,以及从经销应用产品为主逐步转变为运行服务为主的服务产业化新时期。当然,未来的二、三年,仍还是车辆应用主宰着卫星导航与定位应用市场。
并且随着全球定位系统在地理定位、地形测量、车辆定位等各个方面的应用,使得基于GPS和GLONASS的系统的车辆定位系统日益成熟和发展,全球定位的车辆用户的增多使的城市车辆的监控平台的建立成为必然。基于GNSS技术的车辆监控系统是把卫星定位技术( GNSS)、地理信息技术(GIS)和现代通讯技术综合在一起的高科技系统。由于该系统可监控车辆的运行轨迹和状态,调度管理方便,经济效益和社