汽车类 Automobile English
整车 Finished Automobile
轿车 Passenger Car
休旅车 Recreational Vehicle (RV)
Light Duty Commercial Car
(Less Than 3.5 Tons)
Heavy Duty Commercial Car
(More Than 3.5 Tons)
散装车 Bulk Truck
搅拌车 Mixer Truck
环境卫生车 Garbage Truck
液罐车 Refueling Truck
倾卸车 Dumper Truck
曳引车 Tractor Truck
消防车 Fire Fighting Truck
堆高机 Forklift
拖板车 Pallet Truck
运钞车 Armor Cash Carrier
冷气客车 Air-Conditioned Car
冷冻车 Freezer Car
拖车 Trailer
车体打造(改装) Car Body Building
瓦斯车 LPG Car
底盘车 Chasis Truck
引擎零件 Engine Parts
引擎 Engine
引擎波司 Engine Bush
引擎修理包 Engine Gasket Kits
引擎零件 Engine Parts
凸轮轴 Camshaft
凸轮轴链轮 Sprocket Camshaft
皮带张力器 Tensioner
曲轴 Crankshaft
曲轴皮带盘 Crankshaft Pulley
曲轴轴承片 Crankshaft Bearing
汽门 Valve
汽门座 Valve Seat
汽门摇臂 Valve Arm
汽门摇臂盖 Rocker Cover
汽门弹簧 Valve Spring
汽门导管 Valve Guide
汽缸头() Cylinder Head
汽缸衬套 Cylinder Liner
汽缸体 Cylinder Block
波司垫片 Washer
活塞 Piston
活塞肖 Piston Pin
活塞环 Piston Ring
活塞衬套 Piston Liner
飞轮 Flywheel
飞轮环齿轮 Ring Gear of Flywheel
时规炼条/皮带 Timing Chain/Belt
连杆 Connecting Rod
连杆轴承片 Connecting Rod Bearing
摇臂轴 Rocker Arm Shaft
汽门锁 Valve Cotter
止推垫片 Thrust Washer
共鸣箱 Resonator
喷油嘴 Injection Nozzle
燃料系统 Fueling System
油箱 Fuel Tank
油箱浮筒 Gauge Fuel Tank
空气滤清器 Air Cleaner
空气滤清器盖 Air Cleaner Cover
空气滤清器导管 Air Intake Tube
空气滤蕊 Air Cleaner Element
消音器 Exhaust Muffler
排气歧管 Exhaust Manifold
排气管 Exhaust Pipe
进气歧管 Intake Manifold
节流阀 Throttle Valve
燃油管 Fuel Pipe
燃油帮浦 Fuel Pump
燃油滤清器 Fuel Filter
触媒转化器 Catalytic Converter
柴油车黑烟净化器 Diesel Particulate Filter
时规炼条/皮带外盖 Timing Chain/Belt Cover
燃料系统 Fueling System
废气回收管 EGR Tube
冷却系统 Cooling System
水箱 Radiator
水管 Water Hose
水箱水管 Radiator Hose
水帮浦 Water Pump
水箱风扇 Radiator Fan
风扇 Fan
副水箱 Auxiliary Radiator
节温器 Thermostat
调节器 Regulator
水箱支架 Radiator Mounting
冷却系统 Cooling System
A/C风扇 A/C Fan
润滑系统 Lubrication System
油底壳 Oil Pan
自排车用滤油器 Oil Filter for Automatic
机油尺 Oil Level Gauge
机油帮浦 Oil Pump
机油滤清器 Oil Filter
机油滤网 Oil Strainer
润滑系统 Lubrication System
机油尺导管 Oil Level Gauge Tube
空调系统 Air-conditioning System
冷气总成 A/C Assembly
冷气配管 A/C Hose
冷气导风管 A/C Duct
冷气压缩机 A/C Compressor
冷凝器 A/C Condenser
暖气总成 Heater Assembly
鼓风机 Blower Assembly
蒸发器 Evaporator
冷媒管 A/C Pipe
储液瓶 A/C Receiver
空调相关零件 A/C Related Components
空气清净机 Air Purifier
空调滤网 A/C Filter
空调系统 Air-conditioning System
提速器 Actuator
车身钣金件 Body & Stamping Parts
引擎支撑 Engine Mounting
引擎盖 Engine Hood
车身 Car Body
车门 Door Panel
车顶板 Roof
底盘及其另件 Chassis and Related Parts
底盘车架 Frame
门框 Sash
保险杆 Bumper
钣金件 Stamping Parts
叶子板 Fender
横梁 Cross Member
行李箱盖 Trunk Lid
车柱 Pillar
车身钣金件 Body & Stamping Parts
支架 Bracket
补强板 Reinforcement Plate
底盘系统 Chassis System
下臂 Lower Arm
上臂 Upper Arm
剎车拉柄 Parking Brake Lever
支柱总成 Strut Assembly
方向盘 Steering Wheel
比例阀 Proportional Valve
主轴、副轴 Mainshaft / Countershaft
平衡杆 Stabilizer Bar
扭力杆 Torsion Bar
剎车分泵 Brake Cylinder
剎车来令片 Brake Lining Shoe
剎车油管() Brake Hose
剎车油管() Brake Tube
剎车真空倍力器 Brake Vacuum Booster
剎车总泵 Brake Master Cylinder
后轴总成 Rear Axle Assembly
动力方向系统 Power Steering System
动力转向油管 Power Steering Hose
动力转向帮浦 Power Steering Pump
控制拉线 Control Cable
排档杆 Shift Lever
排档头 Knob
球形接头 Ball Joint
等速接头 C.V. Joint
传动轴 Propeller Shaft
叶片弹簧 Leaf Spring
鼓、碟式剎车器 Drum / Disc Brake Assembly
鼓式剎车盘 Brake Drum
碟式剎车盘 Brake Disc
辅助气囊 Air Bag
踏板 Pedal
齿轮 Gear
横拉杆接头 Tie-Rod End
螺旋弹簧 Coil Spring
避震器 Shock Absorber
转向连杆 Steering Linkage
转向节臂 Knuckle
转向齿轮箱 Steering Gear Box
转向机柱 Steering Column
转向总成 Steering Assembly
离合器分泵 Clutch Cylinder
离合器片 Clutch Disc
离合器外壳 Clutch Case
离合器总成 Clutch Assembly
离合器总泵 Clutch Master Cylinder
离合器释放轴承 Clutch Release Bearing
变速箱 Transmission Box
变速箱外壳 Transmission Case
曳力杆 Trailing Arm
避震器前后活塞杆 Piston Rod of Front and Rear
Shock Absorber
底盘系统 Chassis System
自排变速箱修理包 Automatic Transmission
Gasket Kits
齿条 Gear Rack
剎车真空管 Brake Boost Vacuum Tube
车轮系统 Wheeling System
轮毂 Wheel Hub
轮胎 Tire
轮胎汽门嘴 Tire Valve
轮圈 Wheel Disk
轮圈盖 Wheel Cover
内胎(含内衬) Inner Tire (Flap)
车轮系统 Wheeling System
电装品 Electrical Parts
电瓶 Battery
中央门控 Central Door Lock
分电盘 Distributor
火星塞 Spark Plug
汽车用电子钟 Digital Clock
汽车音响 Car Audio
防盗器 Car Burglar Alarm
雨刷及雨刷连杆 Wiper / Linkage
保险丝座 Fuse Seat
保险丝 Fuse
洗涤壶 Windshield Washer
配线 Wire Harness
马达类 Motor
高压线组 Ignition Cable
喇叭 Horn
发电机(零件) Alternator (Components)
开关类 Switch
蜂鸣器 Buzzer
预热塞 Glow Plug
仪表 Combination Meter
灯泡 Bulb
灯类 Lamp
点火线圈 Ignition Coil
继电器 Relay
倒车雷达 Reverse Sensor
电池充电器 Battery Charger
闪光器 Flasher
省电器 Energy Saving Unit
端子 Terminal
电动座椅装置 Power Seat Unit
马达零件 Motor Components
电装品 Electrical Parts
汽车用光盘 Car CD
汽车用液晶显示器 Car LCD
调整器 Regulator
整流器 Rectifier
电子点火器 Ignition Module
倒车显示器 Rear View Display
定速器 Cruise Controller
HID车灯器组合 HID Ballast Complete Set for
车灯控制器 Lighting Controller
点火线圈模块 Ignition Coil Module
外装品 Exterior Parts
水箱饰罩 Radiator Grille
天线 Antenna
车身护条 Side Protector
防撞护垫 Bumper Pad
后视镜 Door Mirror
装饰贴纸、标志 Ornament Mark
轮弧 Fender Trim
挡泥板 Mud Guard
扰流板 Spoiler
前防撞杆 Guard Assy (Front)
后防撞杆 Grard Assy (Rear)
外装品 Exterior Parts
内装品 Interior Parts
仪表板 Instrument Panel
中央置物箱 Console
孔塞 Grommet Plug
地毯 Floor Mat
安全带 Seat Belt
车门扶手 Door Armrest
车门把手 Door Handle
车门锁 Door Lock
车顶内衬 Roof Lining
车窗升降摇柄 Window Lifter Handle
车窗升降机 Window Lifter
防水衬条 Weatherstrip
油量表 Fuel Gauge
门饰板 Door Trim
室内镜 Room Mirror
音响喇叭盖 Speaker Cover
(电动)座椅 (Electric) Seat
顶蓬 Headlining
烟灰缸 Ashtray
各类隔音垫 All Kinds of Silencer
饰板/饰条 Garnish / Trim
仪表饰板 Instrument Panel Garnish
遮阳板 Sunvisor
压条 Moulding
点烟器 Cigar Lighter
备胎板 Trim for Spare Tire
天窗 Sun Roof
后置物板 Rear Parcel Shelf
后舱室饰板 Rear Trunk Trim
内装品 Interior Parts
仪表板支架 Instrumental Panel Mounting
其它 Others
随车工具 Tools
千斤顶 Jack
尼龙绳、特多龙绳 Nylon Rope
生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting
各类孔盖 CapCover
扣具 Cargo Lash
夹片、管束 Clamp, Clip
油土与基准模型 Clay Model and Master Model
油封 Oil Seal
门铰链 Door Hinge
故障标志 Reflector
玻璃类 Glass
修理业 Repairing & Maintenance
粉末冶金 Powder Metallurgy
轴承 Bearing
塑料件 Plastic Parts
隔热材 Heat Insulator
电子件 Electrical Parts
垫片类 SealGasketWasherPacking
碳刷 Carbon Brush
管类 Pipe, Hose, Tube
铜套类 Bushing
弹簧 Spring
模、夹、治、检具 Die, Fixture, Jig, Checking
橡胶件 Rubber Parts
帮浦类 Pump
螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 Nut/Bolt/Screw
锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)
滤清器类 Filter
镜类 Mirror
铸造件(加工) Casting Parts (Processing)
引擎盖铰链 Hinge of Engine Hood
行李箱铰链 Hinge of Trunk Lid
保险杆支撑 Mount of Bumper
CAD/CAM车身设计 CAD/CAM Car Body Design
汽车清洁保养用品 Cosmetics for Automobile
涂料 Paints
合成木材 Synthetic Wood
电磁阀 Solenoid Valve
热水阀 Heater Valve
冷煤电磁阀 Refrigerate Solenoid valve
玻璃滑槽 Glass Run
双面胶带 Acrylic Foam Tape
触媒转换器缓冲绵 Catalytic Converter Mate
黑烟过滤器 Diesel Particle Filter
车用灭火器 Extinguisher
零组件用材料 Components Materials
汽车用行动电话 Car Hand-free Mobile Phone
汽车保全系统 Car Security System
汽车导航系统 Car Navigation System
人造革 Artificial Leather
铭板 Nameplate
汽车用计算机 Car Computer
无线电胎压侦测仪 Wireless Tire Monitor
汽车内装用牛皮 Leather for Car Interior
打蜡机 Buffer (Car Polisher)
金属表面处理(材料) Metal Surface Treatment
插接件 Connector Clip
胎压不足警示器 Tire Low Pressure Indicator
温度感应器 Water Temperature Sensor
油压感应器 Oil Pressure Sensor
机油 Engine Oil
自动变速箱油 Automatic Transmission Oil
油品添加剂 Oil Additive
热处理 Heat Treatment
自行车类 Bicycle
整车 Finished Bicycle
一般自行车 Regular Bicycle
三轮车 Tricycle
协力车 Tandem Bicycle
城市车 ATB
孩童车 Junveniles Bicycle
室内运动车(健身车) Exerciser
单轮车 Unicycle
无链式自行车 Chainless Bicycle
登山车 Mountain Bicycle
越野车 Trekking Bicycle
跑车(自由车) Racing Bicycle
电动自行车 Electrical Bicycle
折叠式自行车 Folding Bicycle
海滩车 Beach Bicycle
(电动)滑板车 (Electric) Kick Board
其它特种自行车 Other Special-purpose
避震脚踏车 Suspension Bicycle
传动件 Transmission
曲柄组 Chainwheel & Crank
飞轮 Flywheel
链条 Chain
变速杆 Shift Lever
变速器 Derailleur
电动自行车马达 Electric Bicycle Motor
电动自行车控制器 Electric Bicycle Driver
齿轮箱 Gear Box
车轮及剎车 Wheel and Brake
轮胎 Tire
夹式剎车器 Caliper Brake
快拆 Quick Release
花鼓 Hub & Free Hub
液压式剎车器 Hydraulic Brake
脚剎车器 Coaster Brake
碟式剎车器 Disk Brake
轮圈 Rim
辐条/辐帽 Spoke/Nipple
悬臂式剎车器 Cantilever Brake
控制拉线 Control Cable
剎车来令片 Brake Lining Shoe
配件 Accessories
反光片 Reflector
水壶架 Bottle Cage
打气筒 Floor Pump
商标贴纸 Sticker
货架 Luggage Carrier
速度表 Speed Meter
喇叭 Horn
电灯 Dynamo / Lighting Set
辅助轮 Training Wheel
挡泥板 Mud Guard / Fender
头盔 Helmet
链盖 Chain Cover
后视镜 Rear Mirror
车体 Body
车架 Frame
把手 Handle Bar
中轴组件(天心) Bottom Bracket Parts
车手带 Handle Strap
车头组件 Headset
前叉 Front Fork
前叉肩 Fork Crown
后叉端 Rear Fork End
座杆 Seat Post
座杆束 Seat Post Clamp
停车支架 Kickstand
接头 Lug & Shell
辅助把手 Bar End
竖管 Stem
螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 Nut/Bolt/Screw
避震前叉 Suspension Fork
避震器 Shock Absorber
三通管 3-way Pipe
五通管 5-way Pipe
车架材料 Frame Materials
其它 Others
座垫 Saddles
水壶架 Bottle Cage
夹器固定座 Pivot
定趾器 Toe Clip
闪光灯 Flasher
趾夹带 Toe Strap
把手套 Grip
塑料件 Plastic Parts
脚踏板 Pedal
碳刷 Carbon Brush
弹簧 Spring
轮圈盖 Wheel Cover
锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)
导线 Cable
模、夹、治、检具 Die,Fixture,Jig & Checking
橡胶件 Rubber Parts
生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting
座垫套 Saddle Cover
涂料 Paints
充电器 Charger
温度记录器 Temperature Recorder
电池容量计 Battery Capacity Indicator
电动自行车电路设计Electric Bicycle Circuit
电动自行车电池组 Electric Bicycle Battery Set
机车类 Motorcycle
整车 Finished Motorcycle
50CC以下机车 Less Than 50CC Motorcycle
50~150CC机车 50~150CC Motorcycle
150CC以上机车 More Than 150CC Motorcycle
残障专用车 Motorcycle for Handicap
电动机车 Electric Motorcycle
其它电动辅助车辆 Other Electric Auxiliary
多功能休闲车 ATV
引擎零件 Engine Parts
汽缸 Cylinder
化油器汽车平衡杆 Carburetor
引擎 Engine
引擎零件 Engine Parts
引擎盖 Engine Cover
水箱 Radiator
火星塞 Spark Plug
凸轮 Cam
凸轮轴 Camshaft
凸轮轴链条 Cam Chain
凸轮链条张力器 Cam Chain Tensioner
曲轴 Crankshaft
曲轴箱 Crankcase
曲轴箱盖 Crankcase Cover
汽门 Valve
汽门座 Valve Seat
汽门导管 Valve Guide
汽缸头 Cylinder Head
汽缸头侧盖 Cylinder Head Side Cover
油帮浦 Oil Pump
后轮驱动座 Rear Wheel Drive Seat
活塞 Piston
活塞肖 Piston Pin
活塞环 Piston Ring
连杆 Connecting Rod
涡轮增压器 Turbo-Supercharger
脚踏起动机杆 Kick Starter
齿轮变速零件 Gear Shift Parts
机油冷却器 Oil Cooler
离合器 Clutch
离合器座 Clutch Plate
离合器杆 Clutch Lever
变速箱 Transmission Box
油管 Fuel Pipe
汽门锁 Valve Cotter
火星塞盖 Plug Cover
齿轮衬套 Gear Bushing
曲轴肖 Crank Shaft Pin
炼条调整器 Tensioner
节流阀 Throttle Valve
离合器来令片 Clutch Lining
齿轮轴 Gear Axle
马达轴 Motor Axle
传动轴 Transmission Axle
车体及电装 Body and Electrical Parts
灯类 Lamp
C.D.I.总成 C.D.I. Unit Assembly
工具 Tool
中心盖 Center Cover
反光片 Reflector
引擎罩盖 Air Shroud / Cylinder
方向把手 Steering Handle
主滑动模轮组件 Primary Sheave Assembly
主脚架 Main Stand
交流发电机(零件) A.C. Generator (Components)
行李箱 Luggage Box
冷却风扇 Cooling Fan
把手盖 Handle Cover
车架 Frame
车体盖 Body Cover
拉杆 Handle Lever
油杯 Fuel Cup Assembly
油箱 Fuel Tank
空气滤清器 Air Cleaner
剎车来令片 Brake Shoe
剎车鼓 Brake Drum
剎车盘 Brake Disk
剎车踏板 Brake Pedal
剎车总成 Brake Assembly
前叉 Front Fork
前叉顶梁 Fork Top Bridge
前护盖 Front Fender
后视镜 Back Mirror
后悬吊系统 Rear Suspension
风扇盖 Air Shroud
飞轮 Flywheel
座垫 Seat
侧脚架 Side Stand
侧盖 Side Cover
排气消音器 Exhaust Muffler
后架 Carrier
喇叭 Horn
无段自动变速系统 C.V.T.
发电机 Alternator
传动轴总成 Secondary Sheave Assembly
摇臂 Rocker Arm
煞车踏板 Brake Pedal
节流把手 Throttle Grip
脚踏板 Board / Footrest
脚踏杆 Kick Crank Assembly
电圈 Starter
电瓶 Battery
配线 Wire Harness
碳刷 Carbon Brush
仪表 Meter
调整器 Regulator
轮胎 Tire
轮圈 Wheel Disk
轮毂 Wheel Hub
导线 Cable
挡泥板 Fender
机车链轮 Chain
灯泡 Bulb
燃油滤清器 Fuel Strainer Assembly
避震器 Shock Absorber
点火线圈 Ignition Coil
转向主干 Steering Stem Comp
链条 Chain
链条盖 Chain Case
继电器 Relay
触媒转化器 Catalytic Converter
排气管 Exhaust Pipe
吊架 Hanger
控制拉线 Control Cable
活性碳罐 Canister
油箱浮筒 Tank Float
机油浮筒 Oil Float
档位调整器 Gear Position Indicator
端子 Terminal
电动机车控制器 Electric Motorcycle Driver
把手座 Grip Holder
马达类 Motor
马达零件 Motor Components
避震器前后活塞杆 Piston Rod of Front and Rear
Shock Absorber
其它 Others
油封 Oil Seal
舌簧阀 Reed Valve
钣金件 Stamping Parts
防盗器 Burglar Alarm
闪光器 Flasher
贴纸 Sticker
轴承 Bearing
开关类 Switch
塑料件 Plastic Parts
电子件 Electrical Parts
垫片 Gasket
管类 Tube or Pipe
弹簧 Spring
模、夹、治、检具 Die, Fixture, Jig, Checking
辐条/辐帽 Spoke/Nipple
齿轮 Gear
橡胶件 Rubber Parts
帮浦类 Pump
螺帽/螺栓/螺丝 Nut/Bolt/Screw
锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)
滤清器 Filter
铸造件(加工) Casting Parts (Processing)
生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting
铭板 Name Plate
油土及基准模型 Clay Model and Master Model
地毯 Carpet
涂料 Paints
握把 Grip
置物袋 Carriage Bag
机车座垫用牛皮 Leather for Motorcycle Seat
铁路车辆类 Railroad Vehicle
铁路车辆制造及修理 Railroad Vehicle Manufacture
& Repair
铁路车辆零件 Railroad Vehicle Parts
铁路扣夹 Clip for Railroad
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Risk Priority Number
Risk Priority Number (from Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic, proactive method of evaluating a process. An FMEA identifies the opportunities for failure, or "failure modes," in each step of the process. Each failure mode gets a numeric score that quantifies (a) likelihood that the failure will occur, (b) likelihood that the failure will be detected, and (c) the amount of harm or damage the failure mode may cause to a person or to equipment. The product of these three scores is the Risk Priority Number (RPN) for that failure mode. The sum of the RPNs for the failure modes is the overall RPN for the process. As an organization works to improve a process, it can anticipate and compare the effects of proposed changes by calculating hypothetical RPNs of different scenarios. Just remember that the RPN is a measure for comparison within one process only; it is not a measure for comparing risk between processes or organizations.
Formula: The Risk Priority Number, or RPN, is a numeric assessment of risk assigned to a process, or steps in a process, as part of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), in which a team assigns each failure mode numeric values that quantify likelihood of occurrence, likelihood of detection, and severity of impact.
Decrease the RPN for a given high-risk process by 50 percent within 1 year.
Data Collection Plan
Using the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Tool, conduct a thorough analysis of a high-risk process in the organization, assigning numeric values to each failure mode per the instructions, and generate an RPN. Recalculate the estimated RPN each time you consider a change to the process, to evaluate the possible impact of the change. Recalculate the actual RPN only after a change has been tested and made a permanent part of the process.
根据FMEA 分析过程进行RPN Risk Priority Number -风险顺序数)和CA Criticality
Analysis -危害度分析)风险分析,根据风险分析结果确定改进要点,