Shape Optimization of tail fins on an Electric SUV
LI Chunpeng ,ZHAO Jing
(FAW Group Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130000,China )
Abstract :Aerodynamic drag optimization is an important means to improve the power and economy of  the vehicle. In the process of  optimizing the tail fin of  an electric SUV ,the opening scheme at the front end of  the tail fin led to poor C d  stability and wake instability. By using CFD ,the leading causes were analyzed and the optimization strategies were proposed through flow-field analysis. After the tail fin optimization ,the C d  was reduced by 7.2% and the energy consumption under NEDC by 2.6%. The paper has a certain reference value for the optimization design of  future SUV models with tail drag reduction.
Keywords :vehicle aerodynamic resistance optimization ;sport utility vehicle ;computational fluid dynamics ;tail fin optimization ;reduction of  energy consumption
-05-31  改稿日期:2019-06-20
李春鹏,赵婧. 某电动SUV 尾翼优化方案分析 [J ]. 汽车工程学报,2019,9(6):436-440.
LI Chunpeng ,ZHAO Jing. Shape Optimization of Tail Fins on an Electric SUV [J ]. Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering ,
2019,9(6):436-440. (in Chinese )通常道路上行驶的汽车受到的阻力主要是滚
占比逐渐增加。当车速达到60 km/h 时,空气阻力
性价比高的suv汽车120 km/h 的情况下,空气阻力占整车阻力的绝大部
性价比较高的节能降耗手段。汽车行驶时空气阻力主要分为压差阻力与摩擦阻力,而压差阻力占总阻力的绝大部分。压差阻力受造型设计影响较大,因此,通过整车造型及附件优化减小整车前后压力差对降低风阻具有重要意义。作为SUV 车型的传统重要部件,尾翼是增强造型效果和降低整车风阻的重要部件。单纯从降低整车风阻系数的角度来分析,尾翼的作用主要是强