
In the last year under the impact of financial crisis, automotive industrial restructuring broug
ht about by the development of motor vehicles to new opportunities, and automotive
related businesses pay more attention to the quality of cars.Differential as an integral part of car, one of the automotive market also resulted in fierce competition.The differential is the spare parts for motor vehicles designed.The design of the main drivers on the installation of the bridge in between the two axle differential design, mainly related to the differential struct
-ure of non-standard parts such as gear parts and standards for design and calculation, but also introduced the development of differential status and the type of differential.For differential selection and the principle of the program have also made a brief note. Reference in the desi
-gn of a large amount of literature on the role of differential structure and have a more thoro
-ugh understanding. Re-engineering the application of a reasonable differential at the sa
me time also has been related industries must be aware of. Differential through the mapping component map also let me in the field of learning has been improved.
Keywords: Axle, differential, gear structure