前置式双级主减速器 front mounted double reduction final drive
强制锁止式差速器 locking differential
桥壳 axle housing
驱动桥 drive axle(driving axle)
驱动桥额定桥荷能力 rating axle capactiy
驱动桥减速比 driveaxle ratio
驱动桥质量 drive axle mass
驱动桥最大附着扭矩 slip torque
驱动轴减速比 axle ratio
全浮式半轴 full-floating axle shaft
上置式双级主减速器 top mounted double reducton final drive
双级双速主减速器 two speed double reduction final drive
双级主减速器 double reduction final drive
双减速齿轮 double reduction gear
双铰接式摆动轴 double joint swig axle汽车差速器
双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear
双速主减速器 two speed final drive
四分之三浮式半轴 three-quarter floating axle shaft
凸轮滑滑块自锁差速器 self-locking differential with side ring and radial cam plate
外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器 spur geared wheel reductor
行星齿轮 spider gear(planetary pinion)
行星齿轮式双级主减速器 planetary double reduction final drive
行星齿轮式双速主减速器 two speed planetary final drive
行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器 planetary wheel reductor
行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器 differential geared wheel reductor(bevelepicyclick hub reductor)
液压差速器 hydraulic differential
圆柱齿轮式差速器 spur gear differential
整体式桥壳 banjo housing
整体铸造式桥壳 cast rigid axle housing
轴间差速器 interaxial differential
主减速器 final drive
主降速齿轮 final reduction gear
主降速齿轮减速比 final reduction gear ratio
转向驱动桥 steering drive axle
锥齿轮齿宽 face width of tooth in bevel gears and hypoid gears
锥齿轮齿数 number of teeth in bevel gears and hypoid gears
锥齿轮式差速器 bevel gear differential
自动离合式自锁差速器 automotive positive locking differential
总减速比 total reduction ratio
组合式桥壳 unitized carrier-type axle housing
“三速”贯通轴 "three-speed" tandem axles
奥克托齿形 octoid form
奥林康型齿制 oerlikon tooth
半浮式半轴 semi-floating axle shaft
半轴 axle shaft
差速器 differential
差速器侧齿轮 differential side gear
差速器壳 differential carrieer(case)
差速器壳轴承 carrier bearing
差速器十字轴 differential spider
差速器锁止机构 differential locking -device
差速器锁止系数 differential locking factor
差速器主齿轮轴 differential pinion-shaft
齿侧间隙 backlash in circular tooth
齿面接触区 circular tooth contact
冲压焊接桥壳 press-welding axle housing
单级主减速器 single reduction final drive
单铰接式摆动轴 single-joint swing axle
单驱动桥 single drive axle
独立悬架式驱动桥 independent suspension drive axle
断开式驱动桥 divided axle
锻压焊接桥壳 forge welding axle housing
对分式桥壳 split housing
多桥驱动 multiaxle drive
防滑式差速器 limited -slip differential
非独立悬架式驱动桥 rigid drive axle
钢管扩张桥壳 expanded tube axle housing
格里林齿制 gleason tooth
贯通式驱动桥 tandem axles
贯通式主减速器 thru-drive
后置式双级主减速器 rear mounted double reduction final drive
减速器 reducer
可分式桥壳 trumpet-type axle housing
类型 type
轮边减速器 wheel reductor(hub reductro)
螺旋锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear
磨擦片式自锁差速器 multi-disc self -locking differential
平顶锥齿轮 contrate gear
平面锥齿轮 plane bevel gear