作者:文/ 乔志
来源:《时代汽车》 2020年第22期
    洛阳双瑞橡塑科技有限公司 河南省洛阳市 471000
    摘 要:在如今全球的经济都在飞速的向前发展的背景之下,我国各方面的发展都处于一种持续增长状态,这也刺激了我国城市化建设改造的步伐,在城市化建设过程中,轨道交通是最为重要的组成部分,他极大丰富了居民的出行选择,但同时轨道交通系统也存在许多问题,本人主要介绍了轨道交通的振动污染以及噪声污染产生的原因,并且提出了解决方案。
    关键词:城市轨道交通 减振降噪 工程措施
    Analysis on Vibration and Noise Reduction of Urban Rail Transit and Discussion on Engineering Measures
    Qiao Zhi
    Abstract:In the context of the rapid development of the global economy today, all aspects of China’s development are in a state of continuous growth, which has also stimulated the pace of urbanization and transformation in China. In the process of urbanization, rail transit is the most important part. It greatly enriches the travel options of residents, but at the same time there are many problems in the rail transit system. The paper mainly introduced the vibration pollution and noise pollution of rail transit, and proposed solutions Program.