Product Category List by Program
序 | 国家环保总局 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 | 国际统一 |
号 | 技术要求编号 | 分类编号 | ||
1 | HJBZ 1-2000 | 家用制冷器具 | Household Refrigerators | 1701 |
2 | HJBZ 3-1994 | 无铅车用汽油 | Lead-Free Gasoline for Vehicles | 2704 |
3 | HJBZ 5-2000 | 再生纸制品 | Products Made from Recycled Paper | 2305 |
4 | HJBZ 7-1994 | 无汞镉铅充电电池 | Hg-Cd-Pb Free Rechargeable Battery | 1100 |
5 | HJBZ 8-1999 | 洗涤剂 | Detergents | 1301 |
6 | HJBZ 9-1995 | 无汞干电池 | Hg-free Dry Cells & Batteries | 1100 |
7 | HJBZ 11-1996 | 防虫蛀毛纺织品 | Moth Resistant Woolens | 1400 |
8 | HJBZ 12-2000 | 包装制品 | Packaging Materials | 2200 |
9 | HJBZ 13-1996 | 软饮料类 | Soft Drinks | 4000 |
10 | HJBZ 15.1-1997 | 节能荧光灯 | Energy-saving Fluorescent Lamps | 1900 |
11 | HJBZ 15.2-1997 | 节能低汞双端荧光灯管 | Energy-saving Low-mercury Double-capped Fluorescent Lamps | |
12 | HJBZ 15.3-1997 | 节能电子镇流器 | Energy-saving Electronic Ballasts | |
13 | HJBZ 16-1996 | 儿童玩具 | Toys for Children | 4000 |
14 | HJBZ 17-1997 | 低噪声洗衣机 | Low-noise Washing machines | 1703 |
15 | HJBZ 18-2000 | 节能、低噪声房间空调 | Energy-saving Low-noise Room Air Conditioners | 1702 |
16 | HJBZ 19-1997 | 节能、低排放燃气灶具 | Energy–Saving and Low – Discharge Gas Ranges | 1707 |
17 | HJBZ 20-1997 | 卫生杀虫气雾剂 | Aerosol | 1603 |
18 | HJBZ 21-1998 | 低铅陶瓷制品 | Ceramic Tableware | 4000 |
19 | HJBZ 22-1998 | 无氟氯化碳工商用制冷设备 | CFCs-Free Refrigerating Equipment for Industry and Commerce | 1701 |
20 | HJBZ 24-1998 | 家用微波炉 | Household Microwave Ovens | 1707 |
21 | HJBZ 25-1998 | 无石棉建筑制品 | Asbestos Free Building Materials | 1500 |
22 | HJBZ 27-1998 | 替代卤代烷灭火器 | Halon-free Fire-extinguishers | 4000 |
23 | HBC 18-2003 | 粘合剂 | Adhesives | 1507 |
24 | HJBZ 29-1998 | 磷石膏建材产品 | Phosphorus Gypsum Building Materials | 1500 |
25 | HJBZ 30-2000 | 生态纺织品 | Ecotypic Textile | 1400 |
26 | HJBZ 31-1998 | 非铝质压力炊具 | Non-aluminum Pressure Cooker | 1707 |
27 | HJBZ 32-1999 | 安全型防虫蛀剂 | Safe Mothproof Agent | 2401 |
28 | HJBZ 33-1999 | 低辐射彩电 | Low Radiant Color TV | 1707 |
29 | HJBZ 36-1999 | 磁电式防垢水处理器 | Magnetic Electric Antiscale Hydrotreater | 1200 |
30 | HBC 17-2003 | 人造板及其制品 | Wood Based Panels and Finishing Products | 1500 |
31 | HJBZ 38-1999 | 低污染型摩托车 | Low Pollution Motorcycle | 2700 |
32 | HJBZ 39-1999 | 建筑用塑料管材 | Plastic Water & sewage Pipe | 1507 |
33 | HJBZ 40-2000 | 静电复印机 | Copier | 2000 |
34 | HJBZ 41-2000 | 消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)替代产品 | ODS Substitute | 4000 |
35 | HJBZ 42-2000 | 无CFCs泡沫塑料 | CFCs-free Foamed Plastics | 2200 |
36 | HJBZ 43-2000 | 气雾剂 | Aerosol Products | 4000 |
37 | HJBZ 44-2000 | 再生塑料制品 | Products Made from Recycled Plastics | 2900 |
38 | HBC 1-2001 | 一次性餐饮具 | Disposable Food & Drink Container | 2200、2303 |
39 | HBC 7-2001 | 包装用纤维干燥剂 | Fibrous Desiccants for Packaging | 4000 |
40 | HBC 8-2001 | 低污染型轻型汽车 | Low Pollution Light Weight Vehicles | 2700 |
41 | HBC 9-2001 | 飞碟靶 | Clay Pigeons | 4000 |
42 | HBC 10-2001 | 光动能手表 | Solar-powered Watch & Clock | 2600 |
43 | HBC 11-2002 | 无烟盘式蚊香 | Smokeless Convolve Mosquito-repellent Incense | 2401 |
44 | HBC 12-2002 | 水性涂料 | Water Based Coatings | 1800 |
45 | HBC 13-2002 | 金属焊割气 | Metal Welding & Cutting Gas | |
46 | HBC 14-2002 | 塑料门窗 | Energy-saving Doors & Windows | |
47 | HBC 15-2002 | 微型计算机、显示器 | Microcomputers and Displays | |
48 | HBC 16-2003 | 卫生陶瓷 | Sanitary Ceramics | |
49 | HBC 20-2003 | 建筑砌块 | Blocks for Architecture | |
50 | HBC 21-2003 | 干式电力变压器 | Dry-type Power Transformers汽车环保标志 | |
51 | HBC 22-2004 | 家具 | Furnitures | |
52 | HBC 23-2004 | 壁纸 | Wallpapers | |
53 | HBC 24-2004 | 与食物接触的陶瓷、微晶玻璃和玻璃餐具制品 | Ceramic ware,glass-ceramic ware and glass dinnerware in contact with food | |
54 | HBC 25-2004 | 鞋类 | Footwears | |
55 | HBC 19-2005 | 轻质墙体板材 | Lightweight Wall Boards | |
56 | HBC 36—2005 | 打印机 传真机和多功能一体机 | Printers、Fax Machines and Printer & Fax Combinations | |
57 | HBC 37—2005 | 空气卫生香 | Sanitizing Incenses | |