外文翻译标题:Design and Development of a Smart Auto Intruder Alarm System with GSM Network中文译名:基于GSM网络的智能汽车防盗报警系统的设计与开发作者:M.Ehikhamenle, B.O. Omijeh日期:2016年出处:Ehikhamenle M, Omijeh BO. Design and Developmen...
外文翻译标题:Design and Development of a Smart Auto Intruder Alarm System with GSM Network中文译名:基于GSM网络的智能汽车防盗报警系统的设计与开发作者:M.Ehikhamenle, B.O. Omijeh日期:2016年出处:Ehikhamenle M, Omijeh BO. Design and Developmen...
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