汝州现代名人事迹作文 英文回答: Ru Zhou is a city in Henan Province, China, known for its rich history and culture. It has been home to many famous figures throughout the years. One modern-...
2024-03-30 23 0
汝州现代名人事迹作文 英文回答: Ru Zhou is a city in Henan Province, China, known for its rich history and culture. It has been home to many famous figures throughout the years. One modern-...
苏东坡简介资料苏东波,北宋著名文学家、书法家、画家,为“宋四家”之一;工于画,尤擅墨竹、怪石、枯木等。下面是店铺为你整理的苏东坡简介资料,希望对你有用!苏东坡简介苏轼(1037年1月8日—1101年8月24日),字子瞻,又字和仲,号铁冠道人、东坡居士,世称苏东坡、苏仙 。汉族,眉州眉山(今属四川省眉山市)人,祖籍河北栾城,北宋著名文学家、书法家、画家。嘉祐二年(1057年),苏轼进士及第。宋神宗时...