编号: TQC/K923物业公司行政管理制度完 整版In the collective management, in order to give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative, form acollective force and establish a system that conforms to the market rul...
2024-04-17 37 0
编号: TQC/K923物业公司行政管理制度完 整版In the collective management, in order to give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative, form acollective force and establish a system that conforms to the market rul...
ABSTRACTWith the continuous development of enterprises, especially the development of modern manufacturing enterprises, attendance management plays a more and more important role in the management of...
奥德赛2021款2020年第8期信息与电脑途观最新报价China Computer & Communication哈弗h6论坛软件开发与应用大型集团企业考勤自动结算系统的设计与实现欧阳志东(上海比亚迪有限公司,上海 201611)摘 要:根据企业内部业务种类繁多、人员规模庞大、考勤规则多样化的特点,同时考虑到市面上暂时没有能完全满足企业需求的考勤自动结算系统的实际情况,笔者提出了一种考勤自...