Leave Out All The Rest(抛下其他的一切)I dreamed I was missing,you were so scared我在梦中迷失fl我,你恐惧万分But no one would listen,cause no one else eared没有人倾听,因为没有人在意After my dreaming,I woke with this fear梦醒f,恐惧依然没有消散W...
2023-10-20 62 0
Leave Out All The Rest(抛下其他的一切)I dreamed I was missing,you were so scared我在梦中迷失fl我,你恐惧万分But no one would listen,cause no one else eared没有人倾听,因为没有人在意After my dreaming,I woke with this fear梦醒f,恐惧依然没有消散W...